Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Debbie Macomber-THANK YOU!

Punky Monkey Missions is VERY blessed to have so many people help us with donations this year including the famous Christian author Debbie Macomber!  She wanted to help with our scarves and hats for the homeless so she sent me a bunch of yarn and I've already made about 10 scarves!  I know that Debbie Macomber is a knitter and I would love to learn to knit some day too.
My mom and great-grandma read her books all of the time and so they were both very excited about this donation.  If you are interested in her books here is a link Debbie Macomber books.


  1. How EXCITING!!!! You go, Punky Monkey!

    I love Debbie Macomber and her books.

  2. Wow, I love your blog, thanks for the link and you will see me more than seldom...thanks for stopping by, I've returned the follow:)

  3. That is so cool! I love Debbie Macomber. I have read all of her books and mention her in my blogs.
